
Faith Community Volunteer Program
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The Faith Community Volunteer Program is a partnership between Poudre School District and communities of faith where volunteerism supports both children’s learning and family involvement in education.

Shortly after the tragic events at Columbine High School, April 1999, five pastors from local churches asked district leadership how communities of faith could become involved in schools in a meaningful and positive way.  The Faith Community Volunteer Program is the result of those early conversations.

The program provides volunteers from communities of faith the opportunity to be of service in the local public schools. Although this is not a time or place to fill personal agendas, we believe compassionate efforts from volunteers model caring to our students.

“The indispensable and transforming work of faith-based and other charitable service groups must be encouraged. Government cannot be replaced by charities, but it can and should welcome them as partners. The paramount goal must be compassionate results, not compassionate intentions.”

—George W. Bush             

White House Faith Community Link

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